Webkinz Dr Quack


Oh my! I finally know what I want to do.

I’ve had lots of time to think, now that pets are no longer getting sick and don’t need my medicine at the clinic. A quick snack or a bit of exercise is all that anyone needs to get feeling healthy again. I love the town of Kinzville and all of the citizens living here, but the truth is that they no longer need the services of a doctor.

Webkinz Dr Quack

Quack is releasing “ Dr. Quack’s Miracle Tonic ™”! While this tonic isn’t particularly special on its own, when used in combination with the farm fresh food grown in your yard, it creates 1 of 3 NEW super foods that will have a miraculous effect on your pets! Once you enter the world of Webkinz, your child can have his very own virtual Webkinz plush pet online. An ideal time for the Webkinz Alley Cat would be an amazing room, good food and a warm cozy place to snug up for a nap. Take good care of this Webkinz soft toy otherwise he may have to visit Dr. R/Webkinz: Webkinz is a browser game that lets you put your plush pets online. Come in and play! How to get dr. Quack's miracle tonic?

Webkinz Dr Quack With Ice Pack On Head

This is why, after 10 years of loyal service, I have made up my mind to retire and close the clinic.

Webkinz Dr Quack Clinic

I feel rather emotional writing the words, but seeing it written down is really helping me get a sense of closure (Hoohoo! Now there’s a zinger of a pun! Have to tell that one to Fred next time I see him). There’s so much I’ve wanted to do and to see, but could never find the time to get away. I have to take this opportunity to make a change.

I’ll miss the running the clinic, but at least I’ll be able to see all my friends. I’m still having too much fun as a judge for Supermodelz, and I will certainly still welcome anyone who wants to practice being my assistant at the Employment Office.

But how to say goodbye? I think once I close the clinic on March 25th, I’ll walk around Kinzville for a few weeks so anyone who wants to say goodbye can find me. I think I’ll even prepare a few goodbye gifts for those pets nice enough to stop me on the street. THAT will put a smile on some faces…

Webkinz Dr Quack Miracle Tonic

I guess I had better start packing up my things and put up the closing sign. As sad as this moment is, I must remember: this isn’t the end for Dr. Quack, but rather a new beginning for Quincy Quack.

Webkinz Dr Quack

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