Webkinz Field Trip #1


I hope you enjoyed your trip to the Great Canyon! We’ll see you again in a few days for our next field trip. And remember – you will be tested on what you learned on our field trips so pay attention!.This code awards one item per webkinz.com account and expires at midnight Oct.

← The Baby Alligator arrives in Webkinz World, September 1, 2018! Are you ready for a field trip that takes a huge step back in time? Today we’re going to visit a Prehistoric Paradise! Prehistory, meaning before history, is the span of time before recorded history or the invention of writing systems. There is not much known about. Dec 26, 2013 Free codes for Webkinz, virtual items, and more from Webkinz Insider Win Free Webkinz Codes Now! Field Trip Forage Maze. From Webkinz Insider Wiki.

Hello Class and Welcome to Cherry Ridge!

Cherry Ridge

I see you are wearing your Cherry Hats and you all look great!
Cherry Ridge is a great place to visit because the views are spectacular and you get to sample some of the fresh cherries too!

Cherry Ridge

Talking about sampling – Did you know that Cherry Blossom flower petals are edible? Yup, it is true! You can add them to cookies and cakes, you can pickle them, brew them in tea and there is even a cherry blossom ice cream flavor! But don’t eat the pits, those are known to be toxic!

Cherry Ridge

This picturesque place showcases hills in full bloom and here in the clearing below, some cherries are ready to eat in baskets beside the Charming Cherry Trees.

Cherry Ridge

Webkinz Field Trip Guide

Cherry trees have a short harvesting season but each tree can produce about 7,000 cherries per season! However, not all cherry trees are grown for their fruit – some are ornamental and just grown for their beautiful flowers.

Field Trip Fort York

Here’s your chance to grow your own Cherry Tree! As a souvenir of your trip, take home this Charming Cherry Sapling!


Cherry Ridge

I hope you have enjoyed your visit to Cherry Ridge! You can find the Cherry Ridge wallpaper, flooring and Cherry Ridge Bridge at Ganz eStore! Any Questions Class?

Webkinz field trip guide

Field Trip Roblox

*This code awards one item per webkinz.com account and expires at midnight Oct. 31, 2018.