Webkinz Quotes

Arte’s Curio Shop has some amazing things, including many themes that are only stocked on his shelves! His stock changes every hour, so you’ll have to check back often to see what he has to offer! Items marked with the “Arte’s Favorites” logo are exclusive to the Curio Shop!

The Cars theme was one of our earlier room themes in Webkinz World. It was once available in the WShop, but it has since been retired and can now only be found at random times in the Curio Shop!


Put all of the pieces of this theme together and you’ll have the kind of room that you’ll always love to fix up!

Deluxe Members also have access to a second set of items updated hourly, so they have TWICE the chance of finding amazing items! Learn more about Deluxe Membership here.

Webkinz Quote

Have YOU been collecting any of the items from this classic theme? Let us know in the comments below!

Webkinz Quotes

Webkinz Quotes Funny

All of the above was for sewing, but I have knitted and crocheted Webkinz clothes before! I prefer to crochet their clothes (while making up the pattern as I go) over knitting them because it’s easier to fit the clothes to them while you’re making it. I have found a few Webkinz sweater knitting patterns online, though!