Webkinz Characters


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The characters that appear in Ten Things Webkinz Do.

'These are the 10 things you should never let your Webkinz do. I'm Kermit, telling you the ten things you should never let your Webkinz do.'

Sep 13, 2014 The smartest Webkinz ever.because of his Smarty Pants? Lisa: friend of Amanda Panda, from the Big City Livingston: Star of the Arcade game Bounce N Burst: Lunar Lugbotz: characters in Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz Lunk: Lunk the Giant is an Adventure Park character Maddie: Friend of Inukshuk who gave him his hat. Malena: Nafaria's little sister.

  • The Character list of Webkinz characters: Alex Tiger (Tiger) Alex Tiger's Mom (Tiger) Alyssa (Fairy) Amanda Panda (Panda) Andy McWoof (Cheeky Dog) April Monkey (Cheeky Monkey) Artie Fact (Golden Retriever) Bananza (Monkey) Blanche (Persian Cat) Ant Hero (Ant) Basil H. (Basset Hound) Berry.
  • 163 rows  Sep 13, 2014  The smartest Webkinz ever.because of his Smarty Pants? Lisa: friend of Amanda Panda, from the Big City Livingston: Star of the Arcade game Bounce N Burst: Lunar Lugbotz: characters in Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz Lunk: Lunk the Giant is an Adventure Park character Maddie: Friend of Inukshuk who gave him his hat. Malena: Nafaria's little sister.
Webkinz Characters

The host of the show.

  • Amusing Injuries: He gets blisters on his back after ending up on the ceiling after taking anti-gravity pills.
  • Butt-Monkey: Often gets interrupted by other Webkinz, usually Squirt.
  • Forgetful Jones: In 'Never Let Your Webkinz', he forgets which number he's on. Twice.
  • Gasshole: In a blooper from '10 Banned Commercials', he burps instead of reading the next number.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Kermit, of course.
  • Only Sane Man: One of the few Webkinz that isn't dumb as a post.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice was much higher in 'Never Let Your Webkinz' and '10 Banned Commercials'.
'Oh, come on! That was like the best performance ever!'

A frog Webkinz.

  • Hollywood Tone-Deaf: As evidenced in 'When You're Not Home', he can't sing at all.
  • Hostile Show Takeover: In the Christmas Episode.
  • Running Away to Cry: Does this when booed off the stage in 'When You're Not Home'.
    'I was supposed to go to Hollywood! You ruined my dreams!'
  • The Stoic: He's surprisingly serene while watching a horror movie.
  • Unfortunate Names: Seriously, it must have rough for him to go through school (if he even went) with a name like Squirt.

A koala Webkinz. He owns a shop called Yoogi's Books.

  • Book Dumb: Implied; he only sells Dr. Seuss books.
  • Drives Like Crazy: In 'Never Let Your Webkinz', he somehow manages to drive a car while playing Go Fish. The car crashes.

A black bear Webkinz. He runs a shop called Beary's Shirt Shop.

  • A Dog Named 'Dog': A bear named Beary.
  • Berserk Button: A variant: He goes berserk with happiness when he wins at Bingo.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's convinced Bill the Bear is going to attack him.

Webkinz Ella Mcwoof

A monkey Webkinz.

  • Big 'NO!': Yells this when told to shut up in 'When You're Not Home'.
  • Only Sane Man: He's the one who tells his friend not to play in the blender.
  • Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: He says 'Slap' when he slaps Squirt.

A bulldog Webkinz, and the owner of Butch's Shirt Shop.

  • Bad 'Bad Acting': As shown in the commercial for the Tornado roller coaster at Webkinz Wonderland, he's a terrible actor.
  • Berserk Button: His shirt-hat falling off his head.
  • Fartillery: His farts are toxic.
  • Gasshole: Farts a lot.

Webkinz Wiki


A gorilla Webkinz.

  • Berserk Button: Being hit in the face with a Wii remote.
  • Hulk Speak: Read his quote.
'See, look at our satisfied customer. Look how he dances with joy because of Tico's Tacos.'

List Of Webkinz Characters

A chihuahua Webkinz, and the owner of Tico's Tacos.

  • Trademark Favorite Food: Tacos, duh!

A dog Webkinz.


  • Death Is Cheap: Gets killed twice, but comes back anyway.

Webkinz Characters
