Webkinz Whimsy Dragon

The Webkinz virtual Mountain Goat!


Adopting this sure-footed friend is always a good move! The Mountain Goat loves playing on the snowy peaks above Kinzville, but they’re just as happy moving to lower ground so they can spend some time with their best friend – you!

WEBKINZ PLUSH TOY stuffed animal Ganz NEW UNUSED CODE WHIMSY DRAGON - $14.87. Check out the photos for best condition and descriptions. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET. FROM A CLOSED HOBBY STORE COLLECTION SEEMS TO BE IN VERY GOOD CONDITION FOR AGE NEW UNUSED CODE BUYING AS IS. I WOULD BE HAPPY TO SEND MORE PHOTOS TO EMAIL. Check out my other items! PLEASE READ ALL FINE PRINT AT THE BOTTOM BEFORE. The Webkinz Whimsy Dragon is a cute, fun toy for your child, straight from the extensive Webkinz stuffed animals selection. Your child can cuddle and play without you worrying; this Webkinz stuffed animal is made from the plushest of fabrics and is child-safe. A great add-on to this toy is the free access to a virtual world on the Webkinz Website.

The Webkinz virtual Whimsy Dragon!

Dragons are mighty, mythical creatures; in fact, some people believe dragons are even a bit magical! One thing is for sure; this Whimsy Dragon is a perfectly pink pal, waiting to meet a friend like you. Whimsy Dragons absolutely love to learn, play, and explore Webkinz World!

Webkinz Whimsy Dragon Pictures

There are dozens of virtual Webkinz pets that you can adopt right now! Visit Webkinz on the Ganz eStore to pick the pet that’s perfect for you! Every Webkinz Pet adoption comes with an exclusive item, the pet’s favorite food, 2000 KinzCash and a medium size room to decorate!