Webkinz Hippo

Webkinz Hippo

Apr 12, 2018  Webkinz pets are very special plush animals. Each Webkinz pet comes with a secret code that allows the owner to log into the website and adopt a virtual version of their pet. With this code as their key, children can join Webkinz World without giving out any personal information such as e-mail, last name or phone number. Webkinz Hardly your typical stick in the mud, this Hippo just loves to have fun all day long! Be sure to take lots of walks around Webkinz World to let this friendly socialite visit with their many, many friends.

Plumpy has had an interesting life, full of unique experiences. Her philosophy is “Try everything once!” (Except peanut brittle. Plumpy is allergic to peanuts.) Plumpy likes to travel, meet new people, and she finds that if you give your best to others, they’ll give their best back to you (in fact, that’s her other philosophy – “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”). Plumpy also has really smart friends, so if she’s ever stumped on a question, she’s got lots of help! Your pal, Ella McWoof

Webkinz Hippo Hair

Congratulations to Hannah, Morgan, Cambria, V and Anni! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for an eStore exclusive Pink Hippo.

Webkinz Hippo Code

We wanted to know how the Pink Hippo turned pink — check out the winning entries below!

Webkinz Codes For Pets Free

One day Evangeline the grey hippo was out with a friend exploring Adventure Park in a faraway land called Kinzville. Her friend, Polly, said that they should turn back but Evangeline carried on. They went deeper and deeper until Polly had enough and ran out of the park. Evangeline was a very brave hippo so she didn’t run like her friend. She longed for adventure, but as it got darker and darker finally she decided to turn back. As she was walking out, Goober was doing a chemistry experiment involving a red and blue formula. Evangeline didn’t notice him and accidentally bumped him, causing the formula to mix into pink, and then she fell into the big puddle! Poor Evangeline was now pink but Goober promised to help get rid of the color eventually. Later that day Evangeline’s parents were curious and mad at her for wandering off. Evangeline got teased a lot for her color, but at the end her color made her special. They found a way to remove it but she said she liked who she was. She never was grey again. – Hannah

The Pink Hippo wasn’t always pink. In fact, she used to be gray like ordinary hippos. But Rosy, the first ever pink hippo, didn’t like being ordinary. She wanted to be different. Rosy wore a clown wig to school one day, then the next day everyone wore one! Rosy tried to wear rainbow hats, sunflower glasses, and colorful knee socks. The same thing happened - everyone copied her. She didn’t know what to do! Finally, she decided to take a walk in the woods. After walking past the stream, hopping through the pine trees, and tip-toeing next to the field, she came to a valley of flowers. The strange thing was that they were all pink! Then, Rosy got a crazy idea: They smell so good, what if they taste good! She carefully nibbled one blossom. It was so good! She had some more. She soon felt sleepy and fell asleep. When she woke up she headed home. When Rosy got home, she passed the mirror and gasped. She was pink! The flowers must have been magic. Rosy smiled, she was finally different. - Morgan

Webkinz Hippo Plush Ebay

It was lovely spring day in Webkinz World, and Petals and her sister Sprinkles decided to go for a ride in their blue hippo balloon. They were regular hippos, blue and cute. They had just flown over the Magical Forest when suddenly Nafaria flew out of nowhere! “Do you have any stars?” Nafaria sneered. “Sorry, I traded mine for a throne,” said Sprinkles. Nafaria got mad that they hadn’t given her the stars and popped their balloon! Luckily they fell into a soft pile of leaves, and they both giggled. “That was fun!” they said at the same time, which made them laugh harder. Soon they were laughing so hard they started turning pink. When Petals saw her sister turning pink she laughed harder, and Sprinkles did the same. When they stopped laughing they saw they were still pink. “I wonder if we will always be this color.” said Petals. “I like it, it makes us unique!” declared Sprinkles. “It is the perfect color! Lets go home.” Petals said. And that is how the Pink Hippo turned pink. The End! – Cambria

One day, Hippo was strolling around with her good friend, Georg the Dragon. Suddenly, they saw Georg’s nephew Nico running away from an angry looking rabbit. “What’s wrong” cried Georg. “I’ll tell you what’s wrong!” the bunny seethed. “This young whippersnapper stole my prized egg!” “I didn’t steal it!” Nico yelped. “It rolled down the hill!” Hippo, ever the compromiser, said “Let’s go see if we can find it.” The group searched the hill side until- “Voila! I found it!” Georg cried. The group huddled around the small pink egg. “Is that-” “Yes,” whispered the rabbit. “The lost egg of the Winged Squirrels. It went missing for centuries. I’ve found it, but I can’t figure out how to open it.” “Let me try for you,” Hippo said. “Are you sure you won’t steal it?” The rabbit eyed her warily. “I’m sure.” Hippo held it. The egg popped open! A scroll on the inside said the egg would only open to one with a true heart. Suddenly, Miss Hippo turned pink, her skin the color of her loving heart. - V

The Pink Hippo (who, at the time, was not pink, but a normal hippo) was one day lounging with her friends when they decided to visit a sweet shoppe in the neighborhood. When Hippo saw all the candy in the store, she was very excited! However, after eating lots of candy, Hippo got very thirsty and decided to get a drink. Her friends told her that the store had very good milkshakes. So Hippo ordered a strawberry milkshake because she thought it’d be the healthiest. Well, she really liked the milkshake, and ordered another, and another, and another, and another! Soon, Hippo was very full, and her friends realized something startling – she drank so many strawberry milkshakes, that she turned PINK! So now, her friends call her Pinky! She really thinks the pink looks good on her, though, so she drinks at least one strawberry milkshake a day to keep her complexion!! - Anni