Webkinz Room Ideas

  1. Webkinz Room
  2. Webkinz Room Themes
Webkinz Room Ideas

My room ideas are the offis, the arcade, the outside room, closet, school room. Nicole Says: January 21, 2008 at 3:08 pm Reply. I would have some ideas but this summer someone broke in to my webkinz account and stoll everything!!!! And he bot me 19 big rooms!!!!! But I still have some ideas up my sleave!

Webkinz Room

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Webkinz Room Themes

Some of my favorite rooms in my house and from looking at others' include:
~Library - The wizard bookshelves and a fireplace + some of the game room walls/floors = one great, cozy room.
~Patio - I recently made one of my favorite rooms in my house, using the new garden stuff in combination with a pond and oak pool, to make what I think is a REALLY cute patio. The black fencing gives it a very nice look as well.
~Superbed rooms - You'd be surprised what kind of condos you can make when you find some matching items, colorwise
~Exclusive rooms - Take one exclusive and find what stands out most in it. Try to find other items that match that. I have a fantasy room, full of rainbow items and such, that match wonderfully!
~Gold/color - I find that all the gold items, in combination with another color look GREAT. One such as blue and gold, purple and gold, red and gold and green and cold are some of my favorites
If you wanted to get more creative with them, I thought of some ideas I thought were cute the other day:
Hospital, Firestation, Car shop, Airport...