Webkinz Whale

Webkinz dolphin for saleWebkinz Whale

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Webkinz Whale Game

Webkinz are toy animals that each come with a single-use Secret Code found on the pet's tag that allows access to the Webkinz World website.Each Webkinz and Lil'Kinz comes with a special item, which users can put in their pet's room, and a unique food, which they can feed to their virtual Webkinz. Brave mammals of the deep, Orca Whales are strong and independent. Be sure to take your Orca Whale to the Tournament Arena for some fun; Orcas LOVE to challenge an opponent or two.


Webkinz whale attack

Webkinz Whale House

We can’t give you an answer for that, as every pet is different. But working on their strength at the Kinzville Academy might do the trick. Why is this? Well, whales happen to be the jumping kings of the animal kingdom! They can hop higher than even frogs and kangaroos. In fact, whales can use their powerful tails to jump up to twenty feet into the air! That would be like you stacked on top of yourself five times! Whales can also travel at nearly forty kilometers per hour. By the way, you can do whatever activity you like with your pet. They’ll have a great time, so long as they’re playing with you!